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IN an act of unbridled betrayal — a married woman was caught peddling the forbidden fruit to a man in her matrimonial home in a steamy morning sexual session that forced her to miss a visit to hospital where her husband is battling two sexually transmitted ailments.

The woman, Sarah Makoni (23), was left red-faced and out of her matrimonial home after being caught red-handed in bed with Simon Makoni (not related) just for money.

Simon was allegedly holed at her place since last Wednesday as the two love-birds conspired to take advantage of the fact that the house-owner and woman's hubby, Aaron Mukanda, was critically ill and admitted at Rusape General Hospital.

The incident occurred at R214 in Vengere, in Rusape on Sunday.

The drama unfolded around 10am. Sarah's husband was detained at Rusape General Hospital where he was diagonised with tuberculosis and two sexually-transmitted infections.

Mukanda's condition is reportedly critical such that he cannot do anything by himself.
He was admitted a fortnight ago and Sarah has been conspicuous by her absence during visiting hours, leaving her hubby's relatives to clean his mess, while she enjoys herself with another man.

The unsuspecting love-birds were through the thick of enjoying themselves when Aaron's cousin, Godfrey Tivatarire, of R242, stormed the house after a tip-off, threatening to beat up his estranged auntie and labelling her "loose and a disgrace".

Well, it was all a coincidence because the husband, neighbours and relatives never knew Sarah's hidden secrets and unGodly acts.
Agitated by her appetite for sex while her known hubby was battling for life in hospital, angry relatives and neighbours invaded the house chanting denigrating songs, and police had to be called in to save the situation from degenerating into a bloodbath.

Simon said he met the lady in September 2014. According to him, she never disclosed her marital status and the two have been seeing and sleeping around since then. As a result, their illicit affair continued blossoming to the extent that Sarah, in January this year, visited Simon's Chiemdambuya-based parents for official introductions as their soon-to-be daughter-in-law.

"I never knew she was married. I am now realising it now kuti mahwani chaiwo blaz. We met in September and in January I introduced her to my family as we looked forward to marrying each other. She has been frequently visiting my parents so that she familiarises with the family customs and values before marriage.

"She invited me last Wednesday saying her auntie was in hospital. She is my girlfriend and ah mahwani chaiwo," Simon told The Weekender.
Sarah said there was nothing of substance between her and the critically-ill Aaron.

She said the two have been cohabiting since 2009 during which Aaron failed to pay a "penny towards my bride price".
She said this prompted her to hunt for "a responsible man" to take care of and eventually marry her.

The couple has one child.

"Kuroorwa kuita sei, handisati ndabvisirwa ini. We were cohabiting since 2009 and along the way I met Simon. He is my boyfriend and I love him. People can say what they want, but that is it and it is true. I have visited his family and I invited him last Wednesday because I wanted someone around. Godfrey has been told that there is a man staying here by one of the neighbours. He then popped up unexpectedly and caught us red-handed. I do not know what will happen, but I cannot regret falling for a man capable of taking good care of me," said Sarah.

Aaron's relative, Patricia Zivai, said they asked the love-birds to go together.

"We send her packing. We officially surrendered her to her auntie in Tandi Village on Sunday afternoon, and the auntie refused to take her in and instead told Simon to take her with him.

"They have left for Harare together with her child.
"This is the greatest betrayal because as it happened when her true husband is battling for life at Rusape General Hospital. He is suffering from TB, syphilis, and HIV. His condition is bad and as a family we took the decision without briefing him about the latest developments involving his wife.

"We fear it might turn out to be a big nightmare and a big trauma," said Zivai.
Godfrey said money was becoming the motivating factor for many women today, sorry for any man who can't carry his woman along and make her change her faulty ideas about money.

"Her actions are disgraceful.
"Her husband has been in hospital for the past week, and she is already inviting another man to her matrimonial bed. She doesn't care visiting to see how he is doing. The man was holed here since Wednesday to the extent that he was putting on my uncle's clothes.

"When I picked it through the rumour-mill, I approached her, discussed it, and though she denied, I told her to straighten her ways. We kept her under surveillance, and eventually caught her red-handed," he said.

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