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Both men and women have things that they just can’t do without in their lives. Some of these ‘addictions’ come naturally as a part of being human while others are learned over time.
So what are these things men can’t be without?

You guessed right— this just had to be top of the list. Money is almost everything about our existence because without it, we cannot do a lot of stuffs. Like buy food and clothing, for instance, which are two of the basic needs we have as human beings.
For men though, the importance of money goes beyond meeting just the basic needs, so our desire for money is usually a little ‘over the top’. Every man wants to be super- affluent; own multiple cars and mansions, successful chain of businesses, marry a beautiful woman, have children, and be able to provide for family. So, men see money as a vital part of their lives; something that must be acquired (maintained) for happiness to be enjoyed.
2. SE X
The average male thinks about se x at least, once every day, making it a very important aspect of a man’s life. Some men view se x as a relaxation sport (as seen in promiscuous men and those who mast urbate), while to some, It’s more than that; it is a way of bonding with their woman, and of course, making children. But whichever way you want to look at it from, the truth remains that se x is important to all men.
Friends are something we all need to keep us going in life. No one person can say they don’t enjoy the companionship that friends bring, and apart from that, friends can be your strength and support in times of weakness (financially and emotionally). Some men like to keep females as friends while others do it old school, and opt for male folks.
Smoking for some men, is like shopping for some women. Men who smoke use cigarettes to keep body and soul together and keep cold away (during winter). The truth about smoking though, is that it is wrong due to its potential dangers to human life. So, if you’re one of those guys who smoke, you need to stop now.

The love for video games is an addiction most men pick up growing up. The good thing about this addiction though, is that it has no side effects… as long as you’re mature enough to not let it stop you from doing what you have to do.
Video games are a relaxation tool for most men. Most of us play responsibly, while some of us get really addicted to it, and that can be annoying for neutrals because its addiction can be very difficult to break.
Different guys have different types of sports that they are into. Some of us like basketball, others cricket, baseball, rugby, and of course, football (my personal favourite). Sports are a means of relaxation and being with friends for us, and we always take our favourite sports seriously.
The high mood we get from beer…nothing can top it! And I think this is what draws a lot of us to alcoholic beverages. Men and beer are like a child and his favourite toy, they’re inseparable. Beer connects men, and helps the sorrowful forget their troubles for a while. Lol. It’s not something you want to be addicted to though, because it can be destructive. It’s not bad to drink beer and wine, but caution must always be considered. Always drink responsibly. You don’t want to think about the embarrassment and humiliation excessive drinking can cause.
Food is something everyone needs to survive. If you do not eat (and drink water), you cannot survive. So food is a necessity for all men, although some of us are gluttons; we can eat anything and any quantity of food without getting filled.

So there you have it. The things I feel all (most) men cannot do without. Do you think I missed anything? What is it you cannot do without?

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