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These are some of the attitudes girls display when it's their first time with a new guy.

1) The guilty_
It’s funny after the first time with some ladies the next thing is this kind face of guilt as if after the deflower episode that was the second time. All NA demo.

2) The ashamed_
These set of ladies will immediately feel ashamed of their actions. It doesn't matter whether she was the one calling the shots during the encounter. This is most common among the religiously brought up ladies. Funny enough, their demands may turn to per day afterwards.

3) The blamer _
These are the girls that start to blame the guy about what just happened. Even though she was the one that invited him, locked the door and even did one or two things to fast track the whole process. She would be complaining that you know I told you no sex till marriage time but why did you do this to me why....they are only doing that to save face. They want more.

4) the story teller_
Without asking them anything, they will start telling you how they got deflowered by a close son of a family friend or how they did exercise and they started seen blood etc
This is common among those saint looking girls who felt they have disappointed their guy with what he met down there.

5)The cry cry_
After the Koko the next thing is cry cry, you ask what happened no answer, was it painful no answer ,do you need more no answer, you want me to go home ,no answer . Don’t be surprised the next moment you two are down together again doing this thing we talking about.

6)the untruthful_
She would be telling you nobody has ever handled her the way you did. She looks at you in the face and says you are the best! Don’t be fooled that is her slogan.

7)The fearless _
This one will even challenge your ability of going one more round. She won't hide her feelings that you are not satisfactory enough. She position herself, shout, tell you how she is feeling etc . The killer!

8) the unsatisfactory_
This one wouldn't allow you to rest before turning your thing into baby's toy for more. For These ones, you are in danger.

9)the questionnaire
Questions like, do you think what we just did is right in the eyes of the Lord? Don’t you think we have sinned? Are we not backsliding? What if this thing should result into pregnancy unko? Do you still love me ? will this not make you to leave me? Why are we even doing all these things self? Should we confess to our pastor? all NA wash! Next time she won’t ask those silly questions again.

10) the promise lover - this one will ask you to promise her that that would be the first and the last time it would ever happen between them. Don’t be surprised she would be the initiator henceforth. Some will use that opportunity to ask him to promise her.    

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