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Have you ever had a condom break on you during se.x? It’s terrifying. The good news is that it is avoidable in the future, as long as you learned why it happened. Condom bursting, tearing, breaking, ripping can because by a number of things
Sometimes, condom fail to give the protection they are worn for – mostly due to the fault of the user.
Most often than not, it is as a result of improper use (wearing) of the condom and , like Wha’anda has severally said, a condom is 98% effective if used well and 0% effective if wrongly used.
It can be terrifying sometimes to find that the condom you are wearing is broken and your sexual safety has been compromised, with possible pregnancy and/or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
In the end, you stand to benefit more than your lover if you go oral on her.
In the end, you stand to benefit more than your lover if you go oral on her.
Have you ever had a condom break on you? It’s terrifying. The good news is that it is avoidable in the future, as long as you learned why it happened.
Condom bursting, tearing, breaking, ripping can because by a number of things:
1. Expired/wrongly stored
An expired condom or one that was stored in extreme temperatures, left in wallets and places where pressure is applied to it. It weakens and might tear
2. Air bubble in the condom
If you allow air bubble to remain when wearing the condom, you might have a pressure point that will lead to a tear when thrusting

3. Too tight
If the condom is too tight, it could tear during se.x
4. Not lubricated
The condom’s material became dry and hot because not enough additional lubricant was added;
5. Oil-based lube
If you use improvised oil-based lubricant like Vaseline or other petroleum jelly, you could weaken the condom  leading to a leak/tear
6. Wrongly opened
If you opened condom with your teeth, scissors, or a knife you can compromise the integrity and rip it. when you attempt se.x, it is likely to tear further
7. Hairy va.ginal/Pe,nis area
During se.x involving hairy pubic region, there is the possibility that hair strands are pushed in and the continuous friction can tear the condom
8. Newly shaved va.gina
Hair on a newly shaved va.gina is prickly and sharp. It can tear the condom at the slightest contact
9. Lack of space at the tip of a condom
When wearing a condom, you need to leave a little space at the tip. If this is not done, it could tear, especially during ejaculation
Ensure that you check out all these things when next you use a condom so as to get maximal protection.
Otherwise, there is no point using one in the first place

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