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Nnamdi Kanu in court raised two hands up in greeting
During his court Trial on 23rd November 2015, Prince Nnamdi Kanu appeared fearless and powerful, he was mute but in his silence lies the spirit of a very powerful freedom fighter. He didn’t say a word but managed to send out a secrete message to his supporters and Biafrans all over the world even when SSS agents tried supressing it, the Nnamdi Kanu symbol of raising two hands with clenched fingers into his fist is very powerful and can be decoded to mean so many things. the Big Question is

What is the Secrete meaning of Nnamdi Kanu symbol yesterday 23rd November?

Before we try figuring out what the answer is, it’s good to note that the followers of his freedom fighter is increasing by the hour. ‎Cyril Dike said “Director Nnamdi Kanu does represent what is beyond money or quest for fame”. Nnamdi Kanu and his style of freedom fighting has finally transformed into ideology and philosophy as the navigator and torch-bearer of Biafran struggle, which represents emancipation of old Eastern region from the enslavement of British authority packaged and sealed as the contraption called Nigeria. Thank God that Nigeria as a country built and founded on lies, injustice, inequality and deceit has expired. Biafra has come to stay. Long live Nnamdi Kanu! Long live IPOB! Long live Peoples Republic of Biafra….On Biafra we stand
Nnamdi Kanu in court raised two hands up in greeting
#‎NNAMDIKANU‬ SYMBOL OF BIAFRA FREEDOM: Take a trip down the memory lane and remember the words of the leader of IPOB Mazi Nnamdi Kanu who is today the symbol of our freedom. I guess many of us his ardent followers and listeners of his gospel of emancipation from physical and mental slavery bedeviling us will agree with me that he always preach we should be fearless before our enemy and speak the truth even at the point of death.

He represented that message when he appeared in court yesterday in Nigerian capital Abuja, we witnessed his resolute in the midst of his enemies when he was lead into the court before the section and away after the section, he was fearless, confident and unshaken still passing the message of resistance and defiance as always this time voiceless but body language and symbol, despite the DSS trying to prevent him from sending the silent message to his teaming supporters present.
Below when he raised his arms clench, his fingers into a fist, a powerful message urging everyone to be strong and relentless until our enemies are defeated was passed.
The victory is near and with every passing day, we are getting one step closer to achieving it. As we continue to strive hard to see our nation restored, we can, in the meantime, appreciate our leader who has scarified everything he has for the freedom of BIAFRANS living today and generations unborn.
And I will finally leave you with a quote by martin Luther king Jr which in my opinion summarized the rare personality of our great leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.
Nnamdi Kanu in court 02
Quote: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others.”
Long live ‪#‎BIAFRA‬
Long live Mazi Nnamdi Kanu
Either Biafra or death!”
That was ‎Emmy Nnaji perspective. what does the symbol of this freedom fighter mean to you? to some people it means Victory is sure and to some it means Remain strong, resolute and formidable and to others it means we are making progress but continue what you are doing but double your effort.
Where you able to decode the symbol?
Understanding the hidden meaning behind the symbol will go a long way in helping every one understand and solve the problem we are in once and for all without blood shed.
Share with your friends and let the decoding begin

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