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MUST READ LADIES: See 24 Things Women Don’t Know About Their Vag ina
After reading this, don’t forget to drop a ‘Thank You’ comment. Here are 24 solid things all women should know about va gina;
1. Ejaculation
One of the controversial facts about va ginas is female ejaculation. Yes, females ejaculate. And again, it doesn’t make you abnormal if you don’t or haven’t yet. There are two explanations of female ejaculation. If your ejaculation is a small amount and of a milky consistency, it is likely a discharge from the paraurethral glands in response to or gasm. If it is a decent amount it is more likely to be urine caused by contractions of the bladder. In many cases it is a combination of both.
2. Clots Are Normal
Menstrual blood can sometimes be a bit freaky as it doesn’t flow like blood from elsewhere in the body. This is because the ‘blood’ is actually uterine lining. The womb lining is rich with blood in readiness to make a safe and healthy home for a fetus, so clotted blood is normal during your period. You need not be concerned unless the clots are large, heavy and bleeding is prolonged.
3. Dead End
Your va’gina is a two way street but it is a cul-de-sac. The va gina leads to the womb and nowhere else. Anything entering your va gina cannot access anywhere else in your body. If you have lost something in your va gina you can retrieve it but never use any kind of tool. And always, always remember to take out the last tampon of your period, otherwise you put yourself at great risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome
4. Vulva Variety
The first of the things you should know about your va gina is that there is no right or wrong ‘look.’ The vulva are the outer lips of your va ginal area and every woman’s vulva is different. You might have plump, curvy vulva or thin, elegant vulva. Embrace your shape – all vulva are beautiful and unless you are in discomfort or a porn star, there‘s no reason to consider labiaplasty (va’ginal rejuvenation surgery).
5. Pee is for P enis
Men urinate through their pe nis. However, women do not pee through their va gina. Your bladder empties through the urethral opening, which is under the cli’toris and above the va ginal opening
6. Clots Are Normal
Menstrual blood can sometimes be a bit freaky as it doesn’t flow like blood from elsewhere in the body. This is because the ‘blood’ is actually uterine lining. The womb lining is rich with blood in readiness to make a safe and healthy home for a fetus, so clotted blood is normal during your period. You need not be concerned unless the clots are large, heavy and bleeding is prolonged
7. Like a Virgin
Sorry girls, but once it’s gone, it stays gone. Losing your virginity is a one-time only offer. Losing your virginity refers to the breaking of the hymen, a membrane that partially closes the va’gina – and yes, it can be broken by things other than pe nile pe netration, but you remain a virgin until your first act of se xual intercourse.
8. Musclebound
Your va gina is a muscle and contracts and stretches just like other muscles do. And just like other muscles, if you don’t use them, you lose them. Regular se x is enough of a workout, but post-menopause, the fragile va’ginal tissue is prone to scarring and shrinking, so if you’re a lady of a certain age and don’t have a partner for a prolonged period of time, it is best to invest in a battery-operated boyfriend.
9. Wow- Stretchy
While on the subject of muscles, the va gina muscle is incredibly stretchy for birthing. This can leave you feeling loose. If your va gina isn’t as tight as you like, or is suffering from being a bit goosey loosey after you’ve had kids, va ginal exercises can do wonders. Known as Kegel exercises, get to work by contracting and relaxing 10 times for 3 sets a few times a day. If you’re not sure, try to stop the flow of urine when you pee – that will demonstrate exactly what you need to be doing.
10. To Douche or Not to Douche?
There is no need to douche. Another of the things to know about your va’gina is that it has a signature smell that is unique to you. Why would you want to mask that smell with douches that smell like rose petals or the ocean? If you are douching because you have a particularly strong odor and it is accompanied by discharge, it could be the sign of an infection, so instead of reaching for a douche spray, seek medical advice.
11. Lubrication
You are not abnormal if you need to use lubricant during se’x and many women experience this as they age. A dry va gina can make se x uncomfortable and a real turn off. There are plenty of lubricants – synthetics like KY Jelly or natural ones like Astroglide, which is made from coconut oil. Turn your dry problem into fun by using flavored lubes.

13. Discharge is Normal Too
Another of the things to know about va ginas is that discharge is completely natural, but there’s also no need to be concerned if you don’t have any. The amount of discharge varies greatly from woman to woman and also varies at different times during the menstrual cycle. If, however, you have itching, burning and odor together with discharge, it is best to seek medical attention.
12. Ouch
You should not feel pain when you have s ex. One of the obvious facts about your va’gina is that it is specifically designed for s ex. That is its function. Don’t put up with painful s ex and do not suffer in silence – see your gynecologist or MD.
13. Ejaculation 
One of the controversial facts about va ginas is female ejaculation. Yes, females ejaculate. And again, it doesn’t make you abnormal if you don’t or haven’t yet. There are two explanations of female ejaculation. If your ejaculation is a small amount and of a milky consistency, it is likely a discharge from the paraurethral glands in response to orgasm. If it is a decent amount it is more likely to be urine caused by contractions of the bladder. In many cases it is a combination of both. 
14. O rgasms
Not every woman experiences or gasm and few attain it purely from penetration. Or gasm is usually generated by clitoral stimulation either with the fingers or finding the perfect position during penetration. The reason the rabbit vibrator is so successful is because it provides the perfect combination of penetration and clitoral stimulation at the same time.
15. G-Spot
One of the things you should know about your va’gina is, although you have a G-Spot, it isn’t always easy to find. Many women spend their s exual lives searching for that elusive sweet spot that is meant to be the key to or’gasm. Apparently, the best way to find it is stimulate the front wall of your va’gina using come hither motion with your finger. But, if you can’t locate it, it won’t stop you having great s ex.
16. Embarrassing Noises
This is one of these unforgiving facts about va ginas. Va ginal farts (aka varts) are normal, healthy and absolutely nothing to worry about – albeit they can be somewhat embarrassing.
17. STIs
Your va gina is precious and you should treat it with respect. Did you know that you can catch se xually transmitted diseases and infections even if you use condoms? During s ex, the vulva are exposed to and come into contact with the genital area and scrotum, which may be infected with herpes, genital warts, chlamydia or worse. Rule – choose your partners carefully and seek medical help at the very first sign of any symptoms of an STI.
18. S ex is Healthy
Safe s ex is good for you. S ex can put a smile on your face but it can also reduce your risk of heart disease, bolster your immune system, reduce your risk of breast cancer, improve your fitness, help you sleep, lower stress levels, make you appear more youthful and improve your self esteem
19. Fashion Accessory
Although the v agina is not usually a topic of conversation and is still kept private and under wraps, it has in more recent times become a part of the body where appearance is now more considered. There’s a multitude of choices if you want to “decorate” your v agina – waxing, piercing, tattooing, and shaving. Your choice!
20. Smear Test
The last of the things you should know about your v agina that I want to share with you is about Pap smear tests. Grit your teeth and bear with because it’s important as it tests for cervical cancer. However, bear in mind that what it doesn’t test for is ovarian cancer, uterine cancer or any non-va’ginal but connected areas.
21. It Gets Wrinkles Too
As we age, our face isn’t the only thing that does. Our v aginas can develop wrinkles especially as we near age 45 or 50. This happens simply because our skin loses muscle tone and the labia changes in appearance. It becomes less plump, because less estrogen is being produced in the body. The labia are the fatty pads of the va’gina that house collagen. Collagen is the fibers of the skin that show wrinkles, or help us look youthful. When estrogen decreases, collagen production dissipates, which leads to wrinkles.
22. It Can Change Colors
Again, our face isn’t the only thing that ages with time. Just like we develop age spots, so does our va’gina. The skin of the vulva lighten or darken in color. It’s nothing to be afraid of, and most likely, the change is hardly noticeable.
23. G-spot or C-Spot
The G- spot of the v agina is often discussed as being the spot that causes a woman to or’gasm. Men see it as their mission to help find a woman’s G-spot during intercourse, and most women are familiar with their own. Yet, what neither most men or women know, is that although the G-spot is real, it is actually just the cli’toris of the va’gina and really not some secret hidden part that exists on its own. I guess we should possibly start calling it the C-spot?
24. Fall out
One of the facts about va’ginas you may not know is that it can “fall out.” In what is known as a pelvic prolapse, your v agina can turn inside out and hang between your legs. But no need to fret – it can be corrected.


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  1. There's actually a lot of different kinds of Astroglide including water-based lube and silicone based lube. They also have gel and liquid lubes. You can try them for free at astroglide.com/sample

