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There isn’t a person that hasn’t ever been tempted to visit a palm reader and find out something about their future, career and even love. Everyone grows up dreaming about the love of their life and many people would like to know more about this person before they even met her/him.
Luckily, you no longer need to go to a palm reader in order to know your love story. You can actually read your palm lines yourself by simply looking at the very first line below your fingers. This line is called the line of marriage and it can tell a lot about your relationship status.
Now, look at your palms and see what the line of marriage says about your love life!

3 Different Types of Palm Lines

1. The same height
The same height
This means that your family will like and accept your spouse.

2. The right hand is higher.
The right hand is higher
This means that you aren’t really conservative in terms of following social standards, but instead, you only do what you want to do.
3. The left hand is higher.
The left hand is higher
This means that you are fearless and love taking challenges and exploring unconventional ways.

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