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The recent bizarre death of a Wisconsin woman is making national headlines.
Authorities report that Elizabeth Luebke of Milwaukee froze to death Sunday while walking home from a party in -5.8 degrees F while wearing shorts, stockings and a tank top.
Fox 6 reports:
The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office has identified the 21-year-old woman found dead near Keefe and Bremen in Milwaukee on Sunday, January 17th. She is Elizabeth Luebke of Oshkosh.

Officials say Luebke was found frozen in front of a home.
According to the medical examiner’s report, Luebke “was reportedly in the area for a concert, and following the concert, a house party near the location from where she was found.”
The report indicates the woman “was not dressed for the elements and noted to be frozen.”
The report also says just before 4:30 a.m., a surveillance camera in the neighborhood “noted the decedent to collapse” at the address where she was found.
Luebke was found by a passer-by around 9:00 a.m.
The medical examiner’s report indicates the temperature around the time 911 was called was “recorded as -5.8 degrees F with the wind chill recorded as -27.5 degrees F.”
The medical examiner’s report indicates Luebke was not dressed for the bitterly cold weather — as she was wearing party-type clothing, including shorts, stockings and a tank top. A sweater was found on the ground near her body.
Poor thang, why wasn’t she dressed for the elements?Huh?
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