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1. The Tip when other things are going on with our body. Avoid Tip pinching when we’re buubsfeeding or about to have our periods. It just hurts … in the bad way.

2. The stomach after a large meal. We really want to have a flat tummy, but it’s nearly impossible most times, particularly after we just ate a cheeseburger with sweet potato French fries and had a beer. Or during a premenstrual bloat. Or when we eat anything with beans

3. The womanliness when it needs a bath. If you start going downtown and she pulls you back up, this is your red flag that she’s not feeling so fresh. Respect it because your attempt will be futile. She probably won’t enjoy it while worrying about her lady odor anyway.

4. Anywhere after we have been sweating … a lot … and we aren’t drunk. I’d say about 99 percent of the time, most women don’t like a man to get all physical after we’ve gotten all physical at the gym. This is also true for when we have been outside heating up during those sweltering summer months. But I’ve found that if you add alcohol, this hang up of being touched when sweaty is gone. Same goes for all the others, too

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  1. The best decision any man can make in this life is to accept JESUS as his LORD and savior, here is an opportunity for anyone who is willing to accept him.

    Say; LORD JESUS am sorry, please forgive me my sins, i believe you died and rose again for my sake. please come into my heart today, thank you for forgiving me in JESUS name amen.

    Congratulations if you just said that prayer, believe it with all your heart GOD bless you

